Married for 19 years with Ana Cristina and father of João Pedro and Mariana, Marcelo was born in Rio and is true a RIO LOVER! “I have been in many other countries and cities, but always wanted to live in Rio because I love the carioca easygoing way of life!”.
Oficial english and spanish speaking tour guide, certified #19.004328.96-1 at official CADASTUR since 1990, Marcelo runs his own travel business and has more than 25 years experience in the touristic trade.
Specialist in Tourism and Hospitality Marcelo also holds a Master degree in Business Developing Management and has been working as a professor of Tourism and Hotel Business at universities in Rio for more than 18 years.
Has traveled around Brazil, South America, United States, Africa and Europe having the opportunity to learn, understand and respect other’s countries cultures.
All of this practical and theorical background together with great passion and deep knowledgement about the best places in the city have given Marcelo the great skills to provide you authentic carioca exclusive travel services and tours around The Marvellous City!! Come to Rio and let me show you all the best spots in the Marvellous city!!